Mando noticias hj, nao temos melhoras significativas, isso somente ocorrera quando celulas brancas subirem. Ate la basicamente sera o mesmo, com dores, diarreia, cansaco e falta de visao. A grande surpresa que me deram e que me encheu de felicidade, como se presentissem que estava precisando, organizaram junto com a Bele a chegada de meu pai e da mae. Parece que ouviram meu chamado, e me deram essa surpresa maravilhosa.
Uma sensacao incrivel, tomou conta do quarto: eu, o pai e a mae chorando abracados; Marcelo, Vanessa e Cibele tambem.
Lembro quando ela tinha ido embora de volta pra Porto Alegre, tive um medo muito grande de nao ve-la nunca mais, quando ela saiu deste mesmo hospital. Que alivio e que felicidade te-los aqui de volta comigo, nem que seja por uma semana.
clique aqui para ver o video da chegada dos pais do Carlos
I am the one sending news today, we don't have any improvement, this will happen only when the whites cells will go up. Until then, it will be the same: pain, diarrhea, tiredness, loss of vision. The big surprise that they gave me and that made me so happy, is the arrival of my dad and my mum. As they felt that I needed them, they organized it with Cibele. Its seems they heard my calls, and made me this wonderful surprise.
An amazing sensation filled in the room: me, my father, my mother hugging and crying, Marcelo, Vanessa and Cibele too.
I remember that when she left to go back to Porto Alegre last time, I was afraid that I wouldn't see her again when I saw her leaving this same hospital. What a relief and how happy I am to have them here with me again, even for one week.
Click here to see the video of Carlos' parents arrival
Uma sensacao incrivel, tomou conta do quarto: eu, o pai e a mae chorando abracados; Marcelo, Vanessa e Cibele tambem.
Lembro quando ela tinha ido embora de volta pra Porto Alegre, tive um medo muito grande de nao ve-la nunca mais, quando ela saiu deste mesmo hospital. Que alivio e que felicidade te-los aqui de volta comigo, nem que seja por uma semana.
clique aqui para ver o video da chegada dos pais do Carlos
I am the one sending news today, we don't have any improvement, this will happen only when the whites cells will go up. Until then, it will be the same: pain, diarrhea, tiredness, loss of vision. The big surprise that they gave me and that made me so happy, is the arrival of my dad and my mum. As they felt that I needed them, they organized it with Cibele. Its seems they heard my calls, and made me this wonderful surprise.
An amazing sensation filled in the room: me, my father, my mother hugging and crying, Marcelo, Vanessa and Cibele too.
I remember that when she left to go back to Porto Alegre last time, I was afraid that I wouldn't see her again when I saw her leaving this same hospital. What a relief and how happy I am to have them here with me again, even for one week.
Click here to see the video of Carlos' parents arrival