03 July 2009

News from Carlos

Mando noticias hj, nao temos melhoras significativas, isso somente ocorrera quando celulas brancas subirem. Ate la basicamente sera o mesmo, com dores, diarreia, cansaco e falta de visao. A grande surpresa que me deram e que me encheu de felicidade, como se presentissem que estava precisando, organizaram junto com a Bele a chegada de meu pai e da mae. Parece que ouviram meu chamado, e me deram essa surpresa maravilhosa.

Uma sensacao incrivel, tomou conta do quarto: eu, o pai e a mae chorando abracados; Marcelo, Vanessa e Cibele tambem.

Lembro quando ela tinha ido embora de volta pra Porto Alegre, tive um medo muito grande de nao ve-la nunca mais, quando ela saiu deste mesmo hospital.
Que alivio e que felicidade te-los aqui de volta comigo, nem que seja por uma semana.



clique aqui para ver o video da chegada dos pais do Carlos


I am the one sending news today, we don't have any improvement, this will happen only when the whites cells will go up. Until then, it will be the same: pain, diarrhea, tiredness, loss of vision. The big surprise that they gave me and that made me so happy, is the arrival of my dad and my mum. As they felt that I needed them, they organized it with Cibele. Its seems they heard my calls, and made me this wonderful surprise.

An amazing sensation filled in the room: me, my father, my mother hugging and crying, Marcelo, Vanessa and Cibele too.

I remember that when she left to go back to Porto Alegre last time, I was afraid that I wouldn't see her again when I saw her leaving this same hospital. What a relief and how happy I am to have them here with me again, even for one week.


Click here to see the video of Carlos' parents arrival

01 July 2009

News from Carlos

Fica dificil escrever nessas condicoes, entao pedi para a Bele digitar enquanto dito para ela... Tudo está acontecendo ao mesmo tempo! Nestes ultimos 3 dias, nao ta dando pra segurar, estou me sentindo muito fraco, tenho muitas dores e agora nao sabem o motivo da dor, estou muito nervoso e com medo porque essa incerteza ja me deixou quase cego.

As defesas nao estao subindo, as minhas plaquetas estao muito baixas e ontem despencaram pra 4 mil, com isso deu uma homorragia no meu olho e praticamente nao enxergo mais do olho esquerdo.

Como se nao bastasse a febre que nao baixa de 39 graus, tenho que ir ao banheiro a cada meia hora, agora ate usando fraldas estou…

Os dias passam e nada melhora. Ontem fiz exame de imagem e ainda tem um ponto no pulmao o que significa que provavelmente terei que fazer uma cirurgia.

Estamos esperando o medico chegar e quando possivel, daremos mais noticias!

Obrigado pelo carinho de todos,


It is really hard to write in my state, so Cibele is typing for me... Everything is occurring at the same time! In the last 3 days, I can't handle it, I am feeling so weak, I feel so much pain and they don't know where it comes from, I am really nervous and scared because this incertitude almost left me blind.

The defences are not going up, my platelets are very low and yesterday they went to 4 000, which caused a haemorrhage in my eye and now I almost can't see anymore with my left eye. As this is not enough, the fever doesn't go lower than 39degrees, I have to go to the toilet every 30min, and I even have to use diaper...

Days goes by and nothing gets better. Yesterday I did some exams and I have something in the lungs, which means I will probably have to go through a surgery.

We are waiting for the doctor and when possible, we will give more news.

Thanks you all for your affection,

30 June 2009

News from Carlos - D+6

Hoje foi disparado o pior dia ate entao. As noites sao piores. Nao quero entrar em detalhes. Desidratado, cada vez pior, dores e febres de 39.9. Dr Einhorn nos visitou cinco minutos e explicou que é normal e necessario, mas espero que essa tortura comece a aliviar nos proximos dias. Mas ta muto dificil...



Today was the worst day since the beginning. Nights are even worst. I don't want to give any details. Dehydrated, getting worst, pain, 39.9 fever. Dr Einhorn visited us 5 minutes and he explained that this is normal and necessary, and I hope that this torture will start to lighten in the next few days. But this is really hard...



28 June 2009

News from Carlos - D+4

Parece mentira, quando pensava que as coisas seriam diferentes dessa vez pois vinha me sentindo relativamente bem, essa noite passei super mal e tudo volta a ser igual como no primeiro ciclo, tive febre, dores, alem de outros efeitos colaterais da quimio/ transplante e acabei ficando desidratado. No hospital a regra eh que com febre a pessoa fique internada, pois o risco de complicacoes eh altissimo. Entao estou internado novamente, esperando que nao seja nada complicado e torcendo aque a contagem de celulas suba para eu voltar pra Casa. Medicos esperam que em 10 dias o corpo reaja, entao sera longa a espera aqui no hospital.

Engracado eh que aqui eu sinto muita falta da Bele e da Julia mas ao mesmo tempo me sinto super seguro. Sao muitas as possibilidades de problemas que podem ocorrer, e isso me assusta ainda mais em tempos de gripe suina, e aqui eles tem todas as condicoes de responder imediatamente.

Entao paciencia, ficarei me cuidando e sendo cuidado aqui no hospital e esperando que os dias nao passem muito devagar. Espero passar fotos amanha.



It looks unreal, when I thought this time will be different as I was feeling well, last night everything started again like in the 1st round, I had fever, pain and other side effects of the chemo/transplant, and I had dehydration. The rule is that if fever appears, you have to stay at the hospital, because risk of complication is high. So I am there once again, I hope it won't be anything complicated and that the cells level will go up soon so I can go home.

It is funny that when I am here, I really miss Bele and Julia but at the same time I feel super secure. There are a lot of things that could go wrong, and I get scary in those swine flu times, but here at the hospital they have everything to react immediatly.

So patience, I will take care of myself and I will be taken care of here at the hospital and I hope the days won't pass too slow. Tomorrow I'll try to send some pictures.
