10 June 2009

Raffle in Brazil - rules and prizes

News from Carlos

Por aqui tudo bem. Estou em casa, mas tenho que ir diariamente ao hospital para manutencao do cateter. Comeco a quimio novamente dia 18/6, ate la é um tempinho para me recuperar. Este periodo estamos com a casa cheia, chegou meu pai e agora a Julia tem minha irmazinha para brincar. As duas sao uns amores juntas, e esta fazendo muito bem pra Julia. O Marcelo, irmao da Bele, esta aqui conosco tambem, ficando um mes. Alem disso nesses dias nossos queridos amigos Felipe e Siophan estao aqui nos visitando, e Fernando e Marina chegam no fim de semana. Ou seja, dias agitados o que me ajudara a esquecer um pouco o tratamento.



Everything is fine around here. I am home, but I am going every day to the hospital for the catheter maintenance. I will start chemo again on 18th June, so I have few days to recover until then. We have a full house here, my father arrived and Julia now has my little sister to play with. The two are so cute together, and this is good for Julia. Marcelo, Cibele's brother, is here with us too, and he will stay one month. We will also have our dear friends Felipe and Siophan visiting us these days, and Fernando & Marina will come on the weekend. This will help me to forget a little bit about the treatment.

09 June 2009

New events! 1 in Singapore, 1 in Hong Kong

Catered by Chef Jair Rodrigues, from Churrascaria Viva Brasil.


Venue : 46 Coronation rd West, Astrid Meadows, BBQ Pit 1

Time : 7:00pm

Value : S$ 80.00 per person

S$ 50.00 will be donated to Save Carlos Sales Campaign. Extra donations are most welcome.


Limited tickets!!

Book now with Claudia Kedia (9236-7735), Prashant Kedia (8268-5169), Débora Marchini (9026-5574)

Click here for more details



19 & 20/06/2009
Time: 1 pm (please be on time)
Venue: Deck 8, Tivoli Restaurant on Costa Classica Ship. Ship will be docked at Ocean Terminal
Value: 800 HKD per person (all will go the fundraising)
including lunch, wine and lucky draw (Ferregamo, Ferrari, La Perla & I Blue).

Please kindly note that children are also invited (under 12 can pass as non-paying). The children may eat on board and have access to the pools on deck. Helpers are also welcome. BRING YOUR BATHING SUITS!!

For further information or to book your ticket now, please contact :
Linda : lindatorlof@hotmail.com
Alessandra : alessandra_salles@hotmail.com

08 June 2009

Samba Beach Party!! Thank you all for coming.

(see below for english)

É muito piegas o ditado "a união faz a força", mas nada mais apropriado para definir esse evento.
Em 3 semanas definimos, organizamos e realizamos uma festa onde apareceram 150 pessoas que fizeram da festa um completo sucesso em termos de doações e diversão.

Cada telefonema, cada apelo, cada café, cada discordância valeu a pena porque arrecadamos um total de HK$ 50,000 que serão direcionados para o tratamento do Carlos.

Temos que agradecer a muita gente: ao Amil Khan, que se disponibilizou a ser o DJ da festa mesmo com a esposa e filho viajando na manhã seguinte por um mês; aos músicos da banda Açucar Latino que tentaram animar a festa com seus tambores, mas foram impedidos pelos vizinhos que não queriam ser seduzidos pela sua música; à Mariza e as belas dançarinas que doaram os seus rebolados em favor da causa; à Jo e ao Ed Murphy que fizeram todos nós gingarmos com suas apresentações de capoeira e maculelê;à Ana Luisa, Rejane, Iara e Alessandra com as doações de prêmios que serão sorteados no próximo evento da ABHK; a Janaina pelas deliciosas empadas; ao Kenneth do South Bay Beach Club pelo "deal " camarada e pelo serviço amiguável; as organizadoras e colaboradoras da festa Celeste, Marie, Regina, Verena, Dorothée, Linda, Joyce, Katlyn e Paula e todos os convidados que apareceram lá por uma boa causa.

Realmente não tem como explicar, só posso dizer que a "UNIÃO FAZ A FORÇA".

Obrigada e até a próxima...
Verena Aguiar.

Clique aqui para ver as fotos


"The Union makes us strong" is really appropriate for this event. In 3 weeks, we defined, organized and realized a party with 150 people, people who made this party a huge success in terms of donations and fun.

Each phone call, each coffee, each disagreement, it was worth it, because we raised
HK$ 50,000 for Carlos treatment. We have to thank a lot of people : Amil Khan, who offered to be our DJ even with his wife and kid travelling the following morning for 1 month. The musicians from the ban Açucar Latino who tried to play drums, but were stopped by the neighbours who didn't want to be seduced by their music. Mariza and the beautiful girls who gave their time for a nice samba performance. Jo and Ed Murphy for their incredible Capoeira and Maculele show. Ana Luisa, Rejane, Iara and Alessandra for the gift donations that we will raffle in the next Brazilian Association event. Janaina for the delicious "empadas". Kenneth of South Bay Beach Club for the friendly deal and service. The organization team, Celeste, Marie, Regina, Verena, Dorothée, Linda, Joyce, Katlyn and Paula. And all the guests who came for a good cause !!

There is really no other explanation, b
ut "the union makes us stronger"...

Thank you all and see you next time,
Verena Aguiar.

Clik here to see the pictures

News from Carlos - D+11

(see below for english)

Finalmente estou em casa. Me liberaram p/sair, mas tenho que ir ao hospital diariamente durante alguns dias até eu ficar com a imunidade normal, tomar antibiotico etc. Apesar que ainda nao me sinto muito bem, e muito bom ficar em casa e entrar no periodo de 10 dias de descanso, recuperar energias para encarar tudo de novo.

Vimos as fotos da festa em Hong Kong. Fiquei muito feliz em ver tanta gente feliz reunida, podemos perceber que o astral estava muito bom e divertido. Nao tenho como agradecer, e espero que todos tenham passado bons momentos e quem sabe um dia comemorarmos da mesma forma.

Beijao a todos.


I am finally home. They let me go, but I have to go to the hospital every day for few days to take some antibiotics etc., until I have my immunity back to normal. Even if I am not feeling very well yet, it is very good to be home and to start a 10 days period of rest, so I can recover and gather energy to face everything again for the 2nd round of chemo.

I saw the pictures of the party in Hong Kong*. I was so happy to see so many happy people all together, we can see that the vibes were really good and the party was fun. I don't know how to thank you all, I hope everybody had fun and who knows someday we can celebrate all together in the same way.

* Pictures of the party coming soon on the blog.