21 August 2009

Continuo recebendo mensagens, emails e telefonemas sobre os ultimos posts que coloquei no blog. Muita gente me relatando que tem servido de inspiracao para comecar uma mudanca de atitude em suas vidas. Fico extremamente feliz com isso. As proprias mensagens no blog estao otimas e eu as uso para inspiracao tambem. Quero que essa corrente siga por muito tempo, fazendo outras boas acoes. Entao ja estou pensando nisso e logo vou ter novidades no blog. A minha cura somente pode ser confirmada pelo menos um ano apos o tratamento de junho, ainda tenho 3 meses de quimio oral e depois eh esperar, entao gostaria que todos sigam nos acompanhando por muito tempo. Ainda nao acabou.

I'm still receiving messages, emails and calls about my latest posts in the blog. Many people mentioning that it is a source of inspiration in order to start a change of attitude. I'm extremely happy to hear that. The messages in the blog are also great and I use them to inspire me. I want this chain to be lasting for long time, starting other good actions. So I'm already thinking about it, and soon will have news in the blog. Since my cure can only be confirmed at least one year after the treatment in june, and I have another 3 months of oral chemo to go, I hope people can keep following us for long time. This isn't over yet.

19 August 2009

Hoje recebi um email de uma amiga muito querida, e entre muitas coisas uma frase me chamou a atencao, a qual gostaria de compartilha-la aqui:

"Situações tristes e difíceis muitas vezes nos trazem alegres surpresas...o universo tem maneiras curiosas de nos dar momentos de alegrias e tristezas, cabe a nós saber equilibrar e aproveitar quando temos a oportunidade de sermos felizes."

Tenho recebido muitos emails e mensagens no blog que alem da forca, tem me ajudado a pensar e analisar os motivos de tudo isso. Essas mensagens sao realmente tocantes e fazem todos os que as leem pensarem na vida, e fico feliz que estejam no blog a disposicao para todos que buscam inspiracao.

Gostaria de abracar cada um que me escreve. Poder conhecer aqueles que ainda nao conheco. Na sala de espera do hospital via gente me observando, e eu imaginava se eles sabiam da minha historia mas nao tinham coragem de me abordar. Afinal, o mundo eh pequeno demais! Entao se me verem por algum lugar, nao hesitem em me chamar. Sera um prazer e privilegio.



Today I received an email of a very dear friend, and among other things, she said something that really called my attention and that I would like to share: "Difficult and sad situations can bring us happy surprises... the universe has a curious way to give us happiness and sadness, we have to balance and take the opportunity to be happy.

I received many emails and messages on the blog that gave me strength, helped me to think and analyse the reasons for all this. These messages really moved me and make everyone that reads it think about life, and I am happy that is it available on the blog for all looking for inspiration.

I would like to hug each of you writing to me. To meet the ones that I don't know already. In the waiting room of the hospital, I saw people observing me, and I was imagining that maybe they knew my story but didn't have the courage to approach me. The worl is small ! So if you see me somewhere, don't hesitate to talk to me. It would be a pleasure and a privilege.



16 August 2009

Estou em casa. Agora eh seguir com a fisioterapia e recuperar o corpo.

Ontem escrevi sobre varias coisas e poderia entrar em cada assunto para explicar melhor o motivo de eu estar mencionando aquilo. Tenho colocado tudo no blog, meus pensamentos e sentimentos. Vou guardar algo para o livro, tomara que realmente se concretize. Uma coisa que queria esclarecer a razao de eu me abrir sobre o que passei: soh quero que meu exemplo sirva para inspirar as pessoas a fazerem coisas diferentes, viver a vida com qualidade. Sei que vao me ouvir, e logo esquecer e entrar no ritmo normal da vida cotidiana pois eh assim, mas se eu conseguir que alguem seja feliz, nem que seja uma soh pessoa mudar algo em sua vida, ja tera valido a pena.

Eu gastei muito tempo com gente que nao me acrescentava nada. Principalmente relacionado ao trabalho. Deixava de ficar com minha familia para ficar com clientes na Asia, jantando e bebendo feito um animal. Aquelas risadas falsas, a unica coisa que eles pensavam era como baixar o preco ou tirar vantagem comercial, nada mais. E eu ali tentando agrada-los ou agradar meus chefes. Me irrito hoje em me lembrar das tantas horas de viagens em lugares insalubres da China e India, e compromissos totalmente dispensaveis que eu aceitava porque achava que "melhoraria a relacao com o cliente", em vez de estar em casa no aconchego da minha esposa amada. Ate comecar a jogar golf tentei!!! Coisa que logo se viu eu nao tinha vocacao nem habilidade. Me sinto ridiculo por isso, nao era eu. Deixei minha familia de lado naquela epoca, mas eh sofrendo que a gente aprende. Logico algumas dessas relacoes viraram amizades, e nao se inclui nessa minha auto critica. Fiz muitos amigos e conheci gente maravilhosa atraves do trabalho, em varios lugares do mundo. Entao a conclusao eh que nao soube ser seletivo, dizia sim pra tudo. Saber dizer nao eh uma virtiude que nao tinha.


I’m at home. Now it is to continue with physiotherapy and restore the body.

Yesterday I wrote about several things and I could elaborate on each subject to explain better the reason about mentioning these subjects. I have been writing everything on the blog, my thoughts and feelings. I will leave something for the book, I hope it realize. One thing I would like to clarify is the reason why I’ve been open about what I went through: I just want my example to help inspire people to do different things, to live life with quality. I know people will hear me and soon forget all this, getting back to the normal rhythm of life; this is just how things are. But if I can help someone to be happy, even if it’s just one person to change her life, it will be worth it.

I spent too much time with people that didn’t add anything to me, especially related to work. I would leave my family to spend time with clients around Asia, eating and drinking like an animal. Those fake laughs, the only thing they thought about was how to decrease the price or have some other commercial advantage, nothing more. And I was there, trying to please them and my bosses. I get annoyed when I remember how many hours I spent in unhealthy and uninteresting places in China and India and commitments that were totally dispensable that I accepted because I thought it would ‘improve the relationship with the clients’, instead of being at home in the comfort of my lovely wife. I even started to play golf!!! Something I soon realized I had no skill or ability. I feel ridicule about this, it wasn’t me. I left my family on the side during those times, but it is suffering that we learn. Of course some of these relationships became friendships, and are not part of this self-criticism. I made many friends and I met wonderful people through my work, in many parts of the world. So the conclusion is that I didn’t know how to be selective, I used to say ‘yes’ to everything. To know when to say ‘no’ is a virtue which I didn’t have.