Finalmente sai do hospital. O engracado eh que estou me sentindo super mal, essa 2a. quimio realmente me pegou. Para ter ideia tenho que andar de cadeira de roda no hospital, nao me aguento em pe. Espero que passe isso com os dias, porque estou louco pra ir embora. Foram 10 dias no hospital desta vez com febre e busca pelo motivo da mesma.
A esta altura estaria comemorando o fim de uma longa guerra, mas lamentavelmente tenho ainda uma batalha pela frente, que eh a retirada de um nodulo que ficou os medicos nao sabem o que eh, entao melhor retirar para evitar futuros problemas. Essa operacao estamos programando pro Brasil porque la o plano cobre parte dos custos, e tambem aqui o budget ja estourou faz horas, e ainda nao fecharam as contas porque ainda estou em tratamento.
Minha preocupacao agora eh ficar bom logo para poder viajar e me operar logo, pois novamente tempo nao eh um luxo que tenho. Maximo comeco de agosto devo ter feito a cirurgia.
I finally got out of the hospital. The funny thing is that I am feeling really bad, this 2nd session chemo really weakened me. I have to use a wheel chair in the hospital, I can't stand on my feet. I hope it will get better soon, as I really want to leave. These 10 days in the hospital have been about fever, and the causes of this fever.
I would normally celebrate the end of a hard battle now, but lamentably I still have one battle to face, which is the removal of the nodule. The doctors don't know what it is, so in order to avoid any future problem, it is better to remove it. We are scheduling this surgery in Brazil, because at least there, the health insurance covers part of the cost, and also because the budget here has exploded a long time ago, and I am still under treatment.
My worries now is to get better soon, so I can travel and get this surgery, because as usual, time is not luxury for me: I have to do do it before beginning of August.