06 June 2009

News from Carlos - D+10

Hoje finalmente a contagem de celulas aumentou para 0.8, quase o minimo necessario para ter imunidade. Vou tentar que me liberem pra ficar em casa, porque me sinto bem, nao tenho tido febre e posso tomar os medicamentos vindo ao hospital diariamente. Estou louco pra ficar em casa com a Julia, acho que ela tambem esta carente e precisamos um tempo juntos. Vou saber hoje mais tarde se me liberam ou fico mais um dia aqui.




Today, the number of cells increased to 0.8, almost the minimum to have immunity. I will try to make them let me go home, because I feel OK, I have no fever and I could go to the hospital every day to take the medication. I really want to stay home with Julia, I think she needs me and we need to spend some time together. They will let me know later today if I can go or if I have to stay one more day.

04 June 2009

News from carlos - D+9

Hoje nos visitou o Dr Einhorn, ele estava na conferencia anual de oncologistas. Perguntei se tinha alguma novidade, e como esperava ele disse que no meu tipo de cancer eles ja tem como "controlar", entao nao ha mais pesquisas. Ou seja, o cancer de testiculo tem maior indice de sucesso de cura, logicamente me coloca numa minoria em que o tratamento normal nao surge efeito.

Ele foi muito positivo com os resultados ate agora, o que me deixou empolgado. Aproveitei para tirar uma foto porque ele sempre passa somente uma vez por semana e muito brevemente.

Hoje me despedi da mae, foi muito emotivo e nao esperava que fosse tanto sentir a ida dela, fiquei triste, mas com forca para enfrentar a outra metade deste imenso desafio.

Bom era isso, espero sair do hospital ate sexta.



Today, Dr Einhorn came. He was at the annual Oncology Conference. I asked him if there are any news, and how I thought, he said that as they can already "control" my kind of cancer, they don't do more research. Testicular cancer has the highest cure rate, which makes me part of a minority as the normal treatment didn't cure me.

He was very positive with the results until now, so I am excited. This time I took a picture of him because he only comes very briefly once a week.

Today, I said good bye to my mother, it was really emotional, I didn't think I would feel so much her departure, I felt sad, but with strengths to go through the 2nd part of this intense challenge.

03 June 2009

News from Carlos - D+8

Hoje é o oitavo dia depois do transplante, e minha contagem de celulas brancas comecou a subir. Estao em 0.4, entao acreditamos que mais alguns dias eu possa sair do hospital. Pouco a pouco comeco a me sentir melhor, muito lentamente as dores vao diminuindo e picos de febre so ocorrem a noite. Terei uma transfusao porque globulos vermelhos estao muito abaixo, mas isso eh tranquilo. Outra novidade eh que meu cabelo comecou a cair, entao estou retomando meu antigo visual careca total.

Tenho visto as mensagens que tem nos enviado, e fico muito feliz em ver tanta gente de tantas partes do mundo torcendo por mim. Mais uma vez obrigado.



Today is my day+8 after the transplant, and my white blood cells level started to increase (0.4). We believe that in few days, I will be able to go home. I am slowly starting to feel better, pain is very slowly decreasing and peaks of fever are only at night. I will have a transfusion because my level of red globules is very low, but this is OK. My hair started to fall, so I now have my bald style

I have seen all the messages you have sent, I am so happy to see so many people from all over the world is supporting me. One again, thank you.

New event in Hong Kong !!

Dear All,

Step Aboard for a lunch to help "Save Carlos Sales". Escape the crowds and join us aboard the
classically elegant and majestic Costa Classica ship.

Get ready to be surrounded by all that is Italian...with antipasti, wine and a savoury main course meal and dessert.

Foresee all your expectations.... we hope you can join us for a good cause...

Date: Friday, June 19th, and Saturday, June 20th, 2009
Time: 1 pm (please be on time)
Place: Deck 8, Tivoli Restaurant on Costa Classica Ship. Ship will be docked at Ocean Terminal

Price: 800 HKD per person (all proceeds go to Save Carlos Sales fundraising)

5 Surprise Lucky Drawing items from famous Italian brands: Ferregamo, Ferrari, La Perla & I Blue.

For further information or to book your ticket now, please contact :
Linda : lindatorlof@hotmail.com
Alessandra : alessandra_salles@hotmail.com


02 June 2009

Last days to buy your ticket!!

Don't miss our Samba Beach Party at South Bay Beach Club on Friday night!
Brazilian dance & music, drinks and food, lucky draw...
Come and share with us a real brazilian party.
We count on you! Bring your friends.

Last days to buy your early bird tickets.
See contact details on flyer -
Limited tickets.

01 June 2009

News from Carlos - D+6

(see below for english)

Finalmente tive condicoes de escrever uma linhas. Depois de 5 dias no hospital, comeco a me sentir levemente melhor, provavelmente ainda ficarei por mais 2 ou 3 dias hospitalizado. Na verdade nada mudou nos meus exames, imunidade contunua 0.2 (globulos brancos), plaquetas 9 etc. Os medicos acreditam que a partir do dia +9 (04 Junho) a +11 (06 Junho) a celulas comecem a se restabelecer e ai sim eu sentirei uma melhora significativa.

Hoje é meu dia +6 sempre comecando do dia translante como D 0. Por enquanto, tenho tentado que o tempo passe o mais rapido possivel. Sempre tomo medicacao p/enjoo e dor, e ambas me fazem dormir. Febre tem aliviado um pouco, mas vem e vai constantemente.
A coisa agora eh paciencia e esperar proximos dias sem muitas novidades e cuidar todos os detalhes para que ate o final da semana meu corpo possa estar respondendo.

Beijao a todos


I am finally able to write few lines. After 5 days in the hospital, I am starting to feel slightly better, I will probably stay 2 or 3 more days here. Actually nothing has changed in my test results, my immunity is still 0.2 (white globules), platelet 9, etc. Doctors believe that starting day +9 (4th June) to day +11 (6th June), the cells will start to recover and then I will feel much better.

Today is D+6 (day 0 is the transplant day). Until now, I have tried to make time pass as fast as possible. I am still under medication for nausea and pain, and both make me sleep. Fever went down a little bit, but it keeps coming and going. So now I just need to be patient, and go through the next few days without any new result, take care of each detail so my body can respond until the end of this week.